Fact Sheets
The fact sheets below provide information for certain chemicals, products, and places that are commonly the subject of Proposition 65 warnings.
The fact sheets about chemicals tell you what the chemical is, why you are being warned about it, how you can be exposed to it, and how you can try to reduce your exposure.
The fact sheets for products and places explain why you might see a warning about exposure to a chemical on a consumer product, or in a certain location. These fact sheets also suggest ways you can try to reduce your exposure to one or more chemicals.
OEHHA periodically posts new fact sheets and updates existing ones.
What if you see a warning for a chemical, product, or place, but can’t find a fact sheet for it here?
In this case, you may wish to check with other government agencies, as well as reputable non-governmental sources, for the information you need. These sources may include, for example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the American Cancer Society.
General Background Fact Sheet: Toxic Chemicals, Proposition 65 Warnings, and Your Health: The Big Picture español
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