Amusement Parks

Why am I being warned about potential exposure to chemicals at amusement parks?
  • Certain areas and features of some amusement parks contain chemicals that are on the Proposition 65 list for cancer or reproductive toxicity.
  • California’s Proposition 65 requires businesses to warn people before exposing them to a significant amount of a chemical listed under Proposition 65 for cancer or reproductive toxicity.

Certain areas or features of some amusement parks can expose you to chemicals on the Proposition 65 list.

Icon representing amusement parks



Visiting an amusement park will not necessarily expose you to significant amounts of chemicals on the Proposition 65 list. However, examples of listed chemicals that visitors may be exposed to at amusement parks include:

  • Carbon monoxide, which is emitted in exhaust by rides powered by engines. Exposure can occur when visitors are on or near rides with gasoline-powered engines.
  • Lead, which is often present in brass railings and other brass objects. Exposure can occur when visitors touch objects like certain brass hand railings that contain lead, and then put their hands in or near their mouths.

Some specific areas in amusement parks can expose visitors to listed chemicals in:

During pregnancy, some chemicals described in this fact sheet can pass from mother to baby.

How can I reduce my potential exposure to chemicals on the Proposition 65 list at amusement parks?
  • Whenever practical, do not stand next to operating engines.
  • Wash your hands and your child’s hands before eating.
  • Do not allow children to spend time in places where tobacco products are used, such as designated smoking areas.
  • Every amusement park is different, and the kinds of chemical exposures that can occur may vary greatly from park to part. Look for Proposition 65 warnings signs at public entrances to amusement parks.
  • If you see a warning, it will likely provide the names of one or more chemicals to which you can be exposed. If you would like more information, ask a representative at the amusement park’s guest services area.
  • Proposition 65 warnings may also be provided wherever food is sold.
For more information:

General Fact Sheets and Resources

Proposition 65

Updated November 2024

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