
Why am I being warned about potential exposure to benzene?
  • Benzene is on the Proposition 65 list because it can cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. 
  • Exposure to benzene can cause leukemia.
  • Exposure to benzene during pregnancy may affect the development of the child.  It may also harm the male reproductive system.
  • Proposition 65 requires businesses to determine if they must provide a warning about exposure to listed chemicals.
What is benzene?
  • Benzene is a colorless and highly flammable liquid with a sweet smell.  It evaporates into the air quickly.
    • Benzene, while not in the final product, is used in the manufacture of drugs, dyes, insecticides, plastics, resins, rubber, detergents, and other chemicals.
    • Benzene is present in natural gas and petroleum products such as crude oil and gasoline.
    • Gasoline, motor vehicle exhaust, and industrial emissions are major sources of benzene in the air. 
    • Tobacco smoke contains benzene.

How does exposure to benzene occur?
1.Breathing in airborne benzene Drinking 2.benzene-contaminated water 3.Skin contact with gasoline and other liquids that contain benzene
  • During pregnancy, benzene can pass from mother to baby.
How can I reduce my exposure to benzene?
  • Do not smoke. Do not allow children to breathe tobacco smoke.
  • Limit your and children’s contact with gasoline and its fumes.
    • Pump gasoline carefully to avoid exposure to liquid and fumes.  If possible, stand a few steps away from the gasoline-pump nozzle while filling your tank.
    • Limit the time you spend near idling car engines.
    • Do not idle car engines in attached garages.
  • Ventilate homes and attached garages well to get fresh air.
  • Assure adequate ventilation inside your vehicle.  Set the ventilation system to allow outside air to enter the vehicle, when possible. 
  • If you use well water, have it tested for benzene contamination.  (If your water comes from a public supplier, it is already tested regularly for benzene.)
  • If you think you may have a natural gas leak in your home, such as a low-level leak associated with a natural gas-powered appliance, have it inspected and fixed.  If there is a strong gas odor, leave the building immediately.
For more information:

General Fact Sheets and Resources

Scientific Information on Benzene

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
    International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
  • California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
    Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)

Proposition 65

Updated May 2021

Related Chemical(s)



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