Recreational Boats and Other Pleasure Craft

Why am I being warned about potential exposure to chemicals from recreational boats and other pleasure craft?
  • Some chemicals from recreational boats and other pleasure craft are on the Proposition 65 list because they can cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm.
  • Proposition 65 requires businesses to determine if they must provide a warning about exposure to listed chemicals.

Recreational boats and other pleasure craft can expose you to chemicals on the Proposition 65 list when they are used, operated, serviced, or maintained.

Image of a recreational vessel being lowered into water



These chemicals include:

  • Carbon monoxide and engine exhaust (gasoline and diesel), which are produced when engines burn fuel.
  • Lead, which is still allowed in paints used on boats.  Lead can also be found in brass items, such as railings and steering wheels.  Exposure can occur when individuals touch brass or other lead-containing items and then put their hands in or near their mouths, or come in contact with dust when sanding leaded paint.  Lead can be also found in lead-acid batteries used on boats.

How does exposure to chemicals on the Proposition 65 list occur from recreational boats and other pleasure craft?
How does exposure to chemicals on the Proposition 65 list occur from recreational boats and other pleasure craft?
  • During pregnancy, certain chemicals from recreational boats and other pleasure craft can pass from mother to baby.
How can I reduce my potential exposure to chemicals on the Proposition 65 list from recreational boats and other pleasure craft?
  • Avoid breathing in exhaust from the engines or onboard generators of recreational boats and other pleasure craft.
    • Try not to idle engines, where possible.
    • Whenever practical, do not stand, swim or play next to engines and onboard generators when they are running.  Distance yourself from the source of the exhaust.
    • Service the engine in a well-ventilated area.  Perform regular maintenance and frequent tune-ups.
  • When refueling your recreational boat or pleasure craft, avoid skin contact with fuel.  Stand a few steps away from the nozzle to reduce exposure to any fuel vapors that may be released to the air.
  • Use alternatives to lead paint.
  • If you are repairing a recreational boat or pleasure craft that may have paint that contains lead, use a respirator designed for working with lead paint.  Try to produce as little paint dust as possible.  Use wet sanding instead of dry sanding.  Clean by wet sponging, or mopping, and dispose of paint waste materials properly.
  • Wear gloves, protective clothing, and eye protection when servicing or maintaining recreational boats or pleasure craft.
  • Wash your hands before preparing or eating food when working or spending time on recreational boats or pleasure craft.
  • Responsibly dispose of unwanted vessels and their parts.
For more information:

General Fact Sheets and Resources

Proposition 65

Updated June 2019

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