THC (Δ⁹-Tetrahydrocannabinol or Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol)

Why am I being warned about exposure to THC?
  • THC is on the Proposition 65 list because exposure to this chemical during pregnancy may affect the development of the child.
  • Some studies have found that when pregnant or lactating laboratory animals were exposed to THC, it affected the brain, behavior, or learning ability of their offspring, and later in life, made their offspring more susceptible to drug addiction.
  • Proposition 65 requires businesses to determine if they must provide a warning about significant exposure to listed chemicals.
What is THC?
  • THC is a chemical in cannabis (marijuana) plants and cannabis smoke.  It is the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, which means that it affects the mind and behavior.
  • THC is present in cannabis concentrates known as THC extractions, and informally called dabs, honey oil, budder, or wax.
  • THC is also found in a wide range of other products, such as THC-containing vaping liquids and edible cannabis-containing items, including candy and baked goods.
How does exposure to THC occur?
  • You can be exposed to THC by smoking, vaping, heating, or consuming cannabis, or products that contain THC.
  • You can also be exposed to THC when others around you smoke, vape, or heat these products.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and you use or are exposed to cannabis products that contain THC, your baby can be exposed to THC, too.
If you are pregnant, you can expose your baby to THC by:
A baby is exposed to THC by 1. Breathing in air that contains THC from smoke, aerosol, or vapor generated by others. 2. Eating or drinking products that contain THC. 3. Smoking, vaping, or heating products that contain THC
How can I reduce my baby’s exposure to THC?
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use cannabis or other products that contain THC, and avoid spending time in places where others are smoking cannabis or using products that release THC into the air.
For more information:

General Fact Sheets and Resources

Scientific Information about THC

Proposition 65

Posted July 2020

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