Hotel Exposure Warnings
A safe harbor warning for exposures to listed chemicals at hotels and other lodging establishments may be provided to a guest using either or both of these two methods: 1) A warning may be provided on a sign posted at the hotel’s registration desk in a location where it will be likely to be seen, read, and understood prior to the completion of the registration or check-in process, and printed in no smaller than 22-point type. 2) The warning may be provided to a hotel guest electronically (either directly or via a hyperlink) or in hard copy form, in the same size type as other consumer information prior to, or during the registration or check in process.
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
WARNING: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] in this establishment can expose you to chemicals including [name of one or more chemicals] which is [are] known to the State of California to cause cancer. For additional information go to
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
WARNING: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] in this establishment can expose you to [name of chemical] which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For additional information go to
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
WARNING: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] in this establishment can expose you to chemicals including [name of one or more chemicals] which is [are] known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For additional information go to
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
WARNING: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] in this establishment can expose you to [name of chemical] which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For additional information go to
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
WARNING: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] in this establishment can expose you to chemicals including [name of one or more chemicals] which is [are] known to the State of California to cause cancer and [name of one or more chemicals] which is [are] known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For additional information go to
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
WARNING: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] in this establishment can expose you to [name of one or more chemicals] which is [are] known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For additional information go to
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
ADVERTENCIA: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] en este establecimiento puede estar expuesto a sustancias químicas incluyendo [name of one or more chemicals] la (las) cual (es) es [son] conocidas por el Estado de California como causante(s) de cáncer. Para información adicional acuda a
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
ADVERTENCIA: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] en este establecimiento puede quedar expuesto a [name of chemical] la cual es conocida por el Estado de California como causante de cáncer. Para información adicional acuda a
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
ADVERTENCIA: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] en este establecimiento puede estar expuesto a sustancias químicas incluyendo [name of one or more chemicals] la (las) cual (es) es [son] conocidas por el Estado de California como causante(s) de defectos del nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos. Para información adicional acuda a
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
ADVERTENCIA: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] en este establecimiento puede estar expuesto a sustancias químicas incluyendo [name of chemical] la cual es conocida por el Estado de California como causante de defectos del nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos. Para información adicional acuda a
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
ADVERTENCIA: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] en este establecimiento puede estar expuesto a sustancias químicas incluyendo [name of one or more chemicals] la (las) cual (es) es [son] conocidas por el Estado de California como causante(s) de cáncer y [name of one or more chemicals] la (las) cual (es) es [son] conocidas por el Estado de California como causante(s) de defectos del nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos. Para información adicional acuda a
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
ADVERTENCIA: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] en este establecimiento puede estar expuesto a sustancias químicas incluyendo [name of one or more chemicals] la (las) cual (es) es [son] conocidas por el Estado de California como causante(s) de cáncer y defectos de nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos Para información adicional acuda a
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
ព្រមាន: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] នៅក្នុងការបង្កើតនេះអាចធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកប៉ះពាល់ទៅនឹងសារធាតុគីមីដែលរួមមាន [name of one or more chemicals] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កឲ្យមានជំងឺមហារីក។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមបើកមើលវែបសាយត៍
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
ព្រមាន: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] នៅក្នុងការបង្កើតនេះអាចធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកប៉ះពាល់ទៅនឹង [name of chemical] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កឲ្យមានជំងឺមហារីក។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមបើកមើលវែបសាយត៍
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
ព្រមាន: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] នៅក្នុងការបង្កើតនេះអាចធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកប៉ះពាល់ទៅនឹងសារធាតុគីមីដែលរួមមាន[name of one or more chemicals] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កការប៉ះពាល់ទៅដល់ទារកក្នុងផ្ទៃ ឬគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចំពោះប្រព័ន្ធបន្តពូជ ឬសុខភាពបន្តពូជផ្សេងទៀត។
ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កការប៉ះពាល់ដល់កំណើតទារក ឬប្រព័ន្ធបន្តពូជផ្សេងទៀត។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមបើកមើលវែបសាយត៍
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
ព្រមាន: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] នៅក្នុងការបង្កើតនេះអាចធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកប៉ះពាល់ទៅនឹង [name of chemical] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កការប៉ះពាល់ដល់កំណើតទារក ឬប្រព័ន្ធបន្តពូជផ្សេងទៀត។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមបើកមើលវែបសាយត៍
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
ព្រមាន: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] នៅក្នុងការបង្កើតនេះអាចធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកប៉ះពាល់ទៅនឹងសារធាតុគីមីដែលរួមមាន[name of one or more chemicals] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កឲ្យមានជំងឺមហារីក និង [name of one or more chemicals] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កការប៉ះពាល់ដល់កំណើតទារក ឬប្រព័ន្ធបន្តពូជផ្សេងទៀត។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមបើកមើលវែបសាយត៍
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
ព្រមាន: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] នៅក្នុងការបង្កើតនេះអាចធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកប៉ះពាល់ទៅនឹង [name of one or more chemicals] ដែលរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រនីញ៉ាដឹងថា បង្កឲ្យមានជំងឺមហារីក និងការប៉ះពាល់ដល់កំណើតទារក ឬប្រព័ន្ធបន្តពូជផ្សេងទៀត។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម សូមបើកមើលវែបសាយត៍
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
警告: 此场所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能会使您接触到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在内、在加州已知会致癌的化学物质。欲了解更多信息,请访问
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
警告: 此场所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能会使您接触到[name of chemical]这种在加州已知会致癌的化学物质。欲了解更多信息,请访问
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
警告: 此场所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能会使您接触到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在内、在加州已知会造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系统损害的化学物质。欲了解更多信息,请访问
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
警告: 此场所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能会使您接触到包括[name of chemical]这种在加州已知会造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系统损害的化学物质。欲了解更多信息,请访问
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
警告: 此场所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能会使您接触到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在内、在加州已知会致癌的化学物质,以及包括[name of one or more chemicals]在内、在加州已知会造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系统损害的化学物质。欲了解更多信息,请访问
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
警告: 此场所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能会使您接触到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在内、在加州已知会致癌并且造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系统损害的化学物质。欲了解更多信息,请访问
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
警告: 此場所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能會使您接觸到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在內、在加州已知會致癌的化學物質。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
警告: 此場所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能會使您接觸到[name of chemical]這種在加州已知會致癌的化學物質。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
警告: 此場所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能會使您接觸到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在內、在加州已知會造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系統損害的化學物質。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
警告: 此場所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能會使您接觸到包括[name of chemical]這種在加州已知會造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系統損害的化學物質。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
警告: 此場所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能會使您接觸到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在內、在加州已知會致癌的化學物質,以及包括[name of one or more chemicals]在內、在加州已知會造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系統損害的化學物質。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
警告: 此場所的[Name of one or more exposure source(s)]可能會使您接觸到包括[name of one or more chemicals]在內、在加州已知會致癌並且造成出生缺陷或其他生殖系統損害的化學物質。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
AVERTISSEMENT: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] dans cet établissement peut (peuvent) vous exposer à des agents chimiques, notamment [nom(s) du (des) produit(s) chimique(s)], identifiés par l'État de Californie comme pouvant causer le cancer. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de consulter
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
AVERTISSEMENT: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] dans cet établissement peut (peuvent) vous exposer à [name of chemical], identifié par l'État de Californie comme pouvant causer le cancer. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de consulter
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
AVERTISSEMENT: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] dans cet établissement peut (peuvent) vous exposer à des agents chimiques, notamment [name of one or more chemicals], identifiés par l'État de Californie comme causant des malformations congénitales ou autres effets nocifs sur la reproduction. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de consulter
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
AVERTISSEMENT: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] dans cet établissement peut (peuvent) vous exposer à [name of chemical], identifié par l'État de Californie comme causant des malformations congénitales ou autres effets nocifs sur la reproduction. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de consulter
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
AVERTISSEMENT: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] dans cet établissement peut (peuvent) vous exposer à des agents chimiques, notamment [name of one or more chemicals], identifiés par l'État de Californie comme pouvant causer le cancer, et [name of one or more chemicals], reconnu(s) en Californie pour causer des malformations congénitales ou autres effets nocifs sur la reproduction. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de consulter
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
AVERTISSEMENT: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] dans cet établissement peut (peuvent) vous exposer à [name of one or more chemicals], identifié(s) par l'État de Californie comme causant des cancers et des malformations congénitales ou autres effets nocifs sur la reproduction. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de consulter
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
CEEB TOOM: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] hauv lub chaw lag luam no tuaj yeem tso rau koj raug cov tshuaj xws li ib [name of one or more chemicals] uas yog [paub] lub xeev California paub ua rau mob qog nqaij hlav (cancer). Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
CEEB TOOM: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] hauv qhov chaw lag luam no tuaj yeem tso koj tau txais [name of chemical] uas paub tias lub Xeev California ua rau mob qog nqaij hlav (cancer). Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
CEEB TOOM: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] hauv qhov chaw no tuaj yeem pom koj tau rau cov tshuaj txhaum xws li [name of one or more chemicals] uas yog [paub] lub Xeev California ua rau yug me nyuam nyuaj los yog lwm yam kev mob au rau yus yug muaj me nyuam nyuaj. Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
CEEB TOOM: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] hauv lub chaw ua hauj lwm no tuaj yeem ua rau koj tau txais [name of chemical] uas yog lub xeev California paub uas ua teeb meem rau thaum yug me nyuam los yog lwm yam kev raug mob rau yus muaj me nyuam nyuaj. Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
CEEB TOOM: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] hauv lub chaw ua hauj lwm no tuaj yeem ua rau koj tau txais suav tib si [name of one or more chemicals] uas yog [paub] lub xeev California paub ua kom muaj kab mob thiab [name of one or more chemicals] uas yog [paub] tias lub Xeev Califonias ua rau yug men yuam nyuaj los yog lwm yam kev raug mob ua rau yus muaj me nyuam nyuaj. Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
CEEB TOOM: [Name of one or more exposure sources(s)] rau hauv qhov chaw lag luam no tuaj yeem tso koj tau txais [name of one or more chemicals] uas yog [paub] lub Xeev California ua rau mob qog nqaij hlav thiab yug me nyuam nyuaj los yog lwm yam kev mob rau yus muaj mi nyuam nyuaj. Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
경고: 본 호텔의 [Name of one or more exposure source(s)]에서 암을 유발하는 것으로 캘리포니아주에 알려진 [Name of one or more chemicals] 등의 화학물질에 노출될 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는에서 확인하십시오.
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
경고: 본 호텔의 [Name of one or more exposure source(s)]에서 암을 유발하는 것으로 캘리포니아 주에 알려진 [Name of chemical]에 노출될 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는에서 확인하십시오.
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
경고: 본 호텔의 [Name of one or more exposure source(s)]에서 선천성 기형을 유발하거나 기타 생식기능에 유해한 것으로 캘리포니아 주에 알려진 [Name of one or more chemicals] 등의 화학물질에 노출될 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는에서 확인하십시오.
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
경고: 본 호텔의 [Name of one or more exposure source(s)]에서 선천성 기형을 유발하거나 기타 생식기능에 유해한 것으로 캘리포니아 주에 알려진 [name of chemical]에 노출될 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는에서 확인하십시오.
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
경고: 본 호텔의 [Name of one or more exposure source(s)]에서 암을 유발하는 것으로 캘리포니아 주에 알려진 [Name of one or more chemicals] 등의 화학물질 및 선천성 기형을 유발하거나 기타 생식기능에 유해한 것으로 캘리포니아 주에 알려진 [Name of one or more chemicals] 등의 화학물질에 노출될 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는에서 확인하십시오.
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
경고: 본 호텔의 [Name of one or more exposure source(s)]에서 암과 선천성 기형을 유발하거나 기타 생식기능에 유해한 것으로 캘리포니아 주에 알려진 [Name of one or more chemicals]에 노출될 수 있습니다. 자세한 정보는에서 확인하십시오.
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
BABALA: Maaari kang ma-expose ng [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] sa gusaling ito sa mga kemikal kasama na ang [name of one or more chemicals] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng kanser. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, pumunta sa
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
BABALA: Maaari kang ma-expose ng Name of one or more exposure source(s)] sa gusaling ito sa [name of chemical] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng kanser. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, pumunta sa
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
BABALA: Maaari kang ma-expose ng [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] sa gusaling ito sa mga kemikal kasama na ang [name of one or more chemicals] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng mga depekto sa kapanganakan o iba pang panganib sa reproduksyon. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, pumunta sa
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
BABALA: Maaari kang ma-expose ng [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] sa gusaling ito sa [name of chemical] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng mga depekto sa kapanganakan o iba pang panganib sa reproduksyon. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, pumunta sa
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
BABALA: Maaari kang ma-expose ng [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] sa gusaling ito sa mga kemikal kasama na ang [name of one or more chemicals] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng kanser at [name of one or more chemicals] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng mga depekto sa kapanganakan o iba pang panganib sa reproduksyon. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, pumunta sa
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
BABALA: Maaari kang ma-expose ng [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] sa gusaling ito sa [name of one or more chemicals] na kilala sa Estado ng California na nagdudulot ng kanser at mga depekto sa kapanganakan o iba pang panganib sa reproduksyon. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, pumunta sa
For exposure to listed carcinogens:
CẢNH BÁO: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] trong cơ sở này có thể khiến quý vị bị tiếp xúc với các hóa chất bao gồm [name of one or more chemicals] được Tiểu bang California biết là gây ung thư. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy vào
For exposure to a single carcinogen:
CẢNH BÁO: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] trong cơ sở này có thể khiến quý vị tiếp xúc với [name of chemical] mà Tiểu bang California biết là gây ra ung thư. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy vào
For exposure to listed reproductive toxicants:
CẢNH BÁO: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] trong cơ sở này có thể khiến quý vị tiếp xúc với các hóa chất bao gồm [name of one or more chemicals] được Tiểu bang California biết là gây ra khuyết tật bẩm sinh hoặc các tác hại sinh sản khác . Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy vào
For exposure to a single reproductive toxicant:
CẢNH BÁO: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] trong cơ sở này có thể khiến quý vị tiếp xúc với [name of chemical] mà Tiểu Bang California biết là gây ra các khuyết tật bẩm sinh hoặc các tác hại sinh sản khác. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy vào
For exposure to listed carcinogens and reproductive toxicants:
CẢNH BÁO: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] trong cơ sở này có thể khiến quý vị tiếp xúc với các hóa chất bao gồm [name of one or more chemicals] được Tiểu bang California biết là gây ra ung thư và [name of one or more chemicals] được Tiểu bang California biết là gây ra các khuyết tật bẩm sinh hoặc các tác hại sinh sản khác. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy vào
For exposure to a chemical that is listed as both a carcinogen and a reproductive toxicant:
CẢNH BÁO: [Name of one or more exposure source(s)] trong cơ sở này có thể khiến quý vị tiếp xúc với [name of one or more chemicals] được Tiểu bang California biết là gây ung thư và khuyết tật bẩm sinh hoặc các tác hại sinh sản khác . Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy vào