Food Exposure Warnings: food exposures to acrylamide

For acrylamide exposure in food, an acrylamide specific safe harbor warning must be provided, see options below. 

Using a short-form warning for exposure to acrylamide in food does not qualify for safe harbor protection.

When the warning is provided on the food product label, it must be set off from other surrounding information and enclosed in a box.

Signal Words (Choose One for All Warning Types):

  • WARNING:  

Warning Content

  • Option A
    • Consuming this product can expose you to acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen formed in some foods during cooking or processing at high temperatures. Many factors affect your cancer risk, including the frequency and amount of the chemical consumed. For more information including ways to reduce your exposure, see
  • Option B 
    • Introductory wording (choose one):
      1. Consuming this product can expose you to acrylamide.
      2. Consuming this product can expose you to acrylamide, a chemical formed in some foods during cooking or processing at high temperatures.
    • At least one of the following sentences (a., b., or c.):
      1. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has found that acrylamide is probably carcinogenic to humans.
        1. OPTIONAL - One or more of the following sentences may be added to sentence a.:
          1. Acrylamide has been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
          2. Many factors affect your cancer risk, including the frequency and amount of the chemical consumed.
          3. For more information including ways to reduce your exposure, see
      2. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has found that acrylamide is likely to be carcinogenic to humans.
        1. OPTIONAL - One or more of the following sentences may be added to sentence b.:
          1. Acrylamide has been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
          2. Many factors affect your cancer risk, including the frequency and amount of the chemical consumed.
          3. For more information including ways to reduce your exposure, see
      3. The United States National Toxicology Program has found that acrylamide is reasonably anticipated to cause cancer in humans.

Please note: “United States” may be abbreviated as “US” and the words “Environmental Protection Agency” as “EPA”.

Sample Warning Options

Option A

CA WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen formed in some foods during cooking or processing at high temperatures. Many factors affect your cancer risk, including the frequency and amount of the chemical consumed. For more information including ways to reduce your exposure, see

Option B

WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to acrylamide. The US EPA has found that acrylamide is likely to be carcinogenic to humans. For more information including ways to reduce your exposure, see


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